The sheep are getting fatter
Day by day the fields are drying out now and the sheep are getting fatter ! The six new chickens, three copper head morans and three magpie morans are settling in well, no eggs from them yet, they are too young but the others are making up for it. The eggs seem settled in the incubator and are due to hatch soon, it has made it much easier to have the automated rocker to keep them rotated rather than having to remember daily to rotate the eggs, it is always very exciting to see the new life bursting out – I can’t wait.
This morning whilst walking through the woods collecting kindling for the fire I noticed that the celendines are now out – a small yellow woodland spring flower which was lovely to see, plus daffodils and crocuses in the garden.
The ponies and the sheep are still eating hay in the field and there are now six large bales left in the hay shed, it means we are clearing it out for the garden equipment but a sure sign that spring is on the way to see the winter fodder depleted. I love the seasonal aspect of farming, the changing needs over the months and there is something in the cyclical pattern of things which makes it all so grounding.