Re-wilding the borders for a beautiful lead up to Great Links
This spring has seen the beginning of the creation of our wild meadow borders on the route down to Great Links yurt. This border is ideally situated for visiting birds, bees and insects to pollinate the new flowers. The seeds were sown at the beginning of May and in time, we are expecting to find cornflower, stitchwort, pink campion, cowslips and lavender in amongst the bluebells. We can’t wait to see what other wild flowers come along to occupy this wild space and the wildlife it brings with it. We already have attracted a family of bunnies near the stile leading to Great Links ! as the weather warms and the season switches from Spring to Summer, we hope to see an abundance of butterflies and bees too. Keeping with the green theme we have added bird feeders to both Great Links and Little links meadows, from the comfort of the yurt beds our guests will be able to watch various song birds visiting the feeders. Bird identification books and nature diaries are all available for guests to record what they find.